Estate Planning

Please Think of Walden’s Puddle in your Estate Plan or Will

How great would it be to continue your legacy as a champion of wildlife after you have passed? One-way to continue to help is to include Walden’s Puddle in your estate plan or will. You can ensure that your donation will continue to provide the same quality care to wildlife to prepare them for their safe return to the wild. Besides accepting monetary donations, Walden’s Puddle will also graciously accept donations of property, vehicles of need, equipment, stock holdings or other aid. You will then have the secure feeling you are still helping those animals that cannot help themselves, but need our help to make them healthy again so that others can enjoy their beauty for years to come.

Legal Language and Tax ID

If you wish to name Walden’s Puddle in your will or estate plan, we should be named as: Walden’s Puddle, a nonprofit Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, organized and existing under the laws of the United States and the state of Tennessee, with principal business address of P.O. Box 641, Joelton, TN 37080-0641.

For more information contact Lane Brody Chairman “in kind” CEO 615-714-4002

Our tax identification number is: 62-1471146

If you have chosen to include Walden’s Puddle in your estate plans, let us know! We want to thank you and welcome you to our family and recognize your efforts to help wildlife.

How to Name Us in Your Will

There are many important issues to consider when drafting your will, but you can get started right now by following a few simple steps:

Get organized. Gather all of your important documents in one place. You may be surprised to find out how much you actually have. Write down a list of all of your valuable property and be specific. Instead of writing “Car”, list “2005 Saturn SL2, VIN #0123456789012.”

1. Set your priorities. Make a list of all the people and organizations that you want to remember in your will by leaving them some of your property. If you plan to make a charitable bequest, be sure to get the organization’s legal name, current address, and whenever possible, its tax-exempt ID number.

2. Review your beneficiary designations. Review all your checking accounts, savings accounts, brokerage accounts, retirement plans, pension plans and any other assets for which you may have made a beneficiary designation and make any necessary updates or changes.

3. Think about guardians. If you have minor children or an older parent or other adult whom you care for, be sure to appoint a guardian for them in your will.

4. Choose an executor. Select a person you trust to serve as your executor. You may want to pick one or two alternates in case your first choice is unwilling or unable to serve.

5. Hire an attorney. Ask friends and colleagues for referrals, and call for an initial consultation to find someone with whom you are comfortable. Ask about fees in advance and tell your lawyer whom you wish to benefit and what you wish to accomplish in drafting your will.

6. Review and update your will on a regular basis. The saying goes: “Life is what happens when we are making other plans.” Our lives are constantly changing — your will needs to be updated periodically to reflect such life changes as:

  • The death of a beneficiary
  • Marriage, divorce or remarriage
  • The birth of a child or grandchild
  • An inheritance
  • The purchase of a new asset such as life insurance, a new home, etc.
  • A bequest to an organization to commemorate a loved one or to recognize the good work of a favorite charity