How to Clean Seed Bird Feeders

iStock_000011658121SmallClean bird feeders are important for the health of the wild bird population. Follow these simple directions to keep your feeders clean and the birds healthy.

How often: once per month, more frequently in wet weather, if you see sick or dead birds in your neighborhood or if salmonella has been reported in the area.

What cleaning solution to use: Use a solution of one part bleach to nine parts hot water. Unscented dish detergent also works.

What equipment to use: Wear rubber gloves and use brushes for thorough cleaning. Bird and pet stores sell specialized brushes for feeders, but a bottle brushes or toothbrush will work.

Cleaning procedure:

  • Wash everything. Wash feeder inside and out, including all feeding ports, perches, lids, platforms and reservoirs. If possible, clean nearby areas where birds perch and feces collects.
  • After cleaning, rinse everything in clean water for at least a minute remove chemical residue.
  • IMPORTANT: let it dry: Before refilling the feeder, let it dry completely. Moisture creates mold and mildew and create rotten, unhealthy seeds that make the birds sick.
  • Clean the ground below your feeders to prevent a build-up of hulls, uneaten seeds and other waste. birds can spill seed several feet away from feeders, and all feeding areas must be clean to keep bird populations healthy. Remove old or damp seed from beneath all feeders.

Encourage others to clean bird feeders regularly. Birds move among feeders and can spread diseases as they go.